viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Silent Joe - Joe And Billy chp. 7

What’s with the grey tone and grimness that possesses your face Joe? Billy Cochran asked, but Joe gave no answer, not until Billy sat in front of him with the intention of repeating a question previously asked as he thought not so brightly, and so: What’s with the grey tone and grimness that possesses your face Joe?

Joe looked upon his face and replied: it’s the humanity and its filth, my gray grim face comes from the constant ponderation of two things I believe should be as one but common practice dictates otherwise, and so the world will be condemned to the catastrophe of what’s beautiful, we shall have to contemplate it and desire it at most as human beings but never possess her for we destroy what falls within our grasp cause of our nature,, whatever presents as harmony or pureness calls for its desecration and the author shall be the human being, long live the human race, so creator so destroyer of our surroundings and himself.

Well Joe that’s just sad I might say, but my horse is beautiful and I take good care o’him, you should see him run! Boooy can he run around nonstop!, and also... now that I sit back to give some thought to what you so eloquently speak of as someone that knows of the mater, Aren’t you a human being? Or do you think you’re from… from… over there you know, like more than that what’s actually there? Like more over the hill or so where that Indian got killed by some wild beast they say…

Let me stop you there for a fool person who does speak or even better pronounces what we call words out of his mouth and if we put together one would say: he speaks! But oh Billy what have you really seen more than your horse? Maybe a prostitute and whiskey or several of them both but more than that have you ever seen more than this little town? 

Well no Joe I haven’t but let me tell you something before this whiskey takes me on shooting somebody and have the marshal install me in his place, I am happy!

Well Billy then lets drink to your happiness and may you embrace it in a cell, huh for all its worth that’s an hotel room for you the way I see it, and lets hope the one you shoot is something less than a coyote for not saying better than a human being.

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