sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Silent Joe - Jenny and Joe Chp. 6

Well Joe? Are we going to try this?

Joe just watched at her, he froze in position and no thought could cross his mind.

Joe I got to say, you are one of the smartest fellas in town or that I have ever known, but when it comes to women you have no balls!

Oh Jenny I have em trust me, but when it comes to you everything just seems so different… I can't explain nor I can save my pride when the women in question is Jenny Fontaine.

Well then Joe, here comes the lady I have inside and all’s I can say is: Fuck you!, Fuck you and your “I don’t know attitude”... Anyways! I have other clients at the tables waiting to order and someone has to keep this place running! Jenny yelled looking at her brother doing some accounting behind the bar.

Wait! Joe screamed just wait! Sit down with me just for a second Jenny and let me tell you what I should have a long time ago.

Jenny stood in front of Joe with that “You better say something good or you are as good as dead” look and said, I aint sitting but you have half a second so start talking.

Jesus women! You won’t gimme me a break! I love you Jenny! you know that, that’s never been an issue and I’m sure never will, I love every bit of you, I love how you move, I love how you talk, I love how you dress, every part of you is just something that overwhelms me, and freezes me as the most impressed of the fellas can be! every time I see you my feelings arise in a crazy way I cannot handle! and at least all I can do is stay put... but inside theres a whirlwind screaming at me: Kiss her! Hug her! Don’t let her go!

And Joe continued...

Every time you put the face when you like something, or even worse when you wrinkle your nose when you laugh I just wanna… I dunno! Just explode! Feel like doing something!

Well then you idiot do something!

I have! I’ve watched you every morning throw the creek in the wall that divides our rooms upstairs, I’ve watched you comb your hair, have your cigar and enjoy your cup of coffee so much that even makes you close your eyes.

Suddenly Joe somehow felt he had the high ground until…

Oh you dumbass I MADE THE CREEK BETWEEN THE WALLS! Right before I knew you were coming back in town and gave you a room!

And that was it for Joes high ground, he was even crazier for her now, there was just no way to win an argument, tough sexy Jenny could just play with Joe and worst for him: she knew it.

Can I have a glass of scotch Jenny?

Go get one yourself! I have customers to attend to and that was more than half a second.

(Next Scene)

So mom, something that amazed my thoughts and flourished my feelings happened yesterday.

Well son... feelings I’m sure you have, but thoughts let’s just leave it there, you and your drinking make of you an useless drunk, I don’t even know how you handle your horse, that I gotta say, impresses me every day.

Well thanks mom, I’m glad to make you proud, and what I’m about to tell will make you heart beat like the drums of the seventh cavalry!

Now don’t go on talking of no cavalry, took your father to push back the Sioux and all he got was an arrow to the chest, a fall from the horse and then they send a useless stupid arrogant letter saying:

“We, the Government of the United States of America, are sorry to inform you that Carl Johnson of the seventh cavalry has valiantly fallen in a glorious battle against the Sioux.

Adjacent to the letter we have attached 7 dollars payment of your husband and an extra 25 for your loss.”

Then signed personally by that idiot General Carrington like he was doing me a favor, another useless drunk leading a bunch of fellas straight to... 

And Mamma Johnson just stared at the table, took a deep breath and... But go on make my day, tell your story.

Mom! And Carl Jr. inhaled air to grow a victorious chest: yesterday at the end of the day I took Jenny back from the store here to the hotel on my horseback!

Oh Lord... You are just like your father son, handsome enough to make a whole town fall for ya but as soon  as you open your mouth the charm just… fades away even faster than the wind from the north.

But didn’t we just see them having an argument two tables to the right? Right there mom at Joe’s usual spot next to the door.

And you keep on using that mouth, Jesus almighty… she’s in love with Joe! Are you an idiot? Well look at that now I’m the idiot, asking and idiot if he’s an idiot, you put some rum in my coffee now that I’m talking nonsense? Well there I go again, how could I not if I’m talking to ya.

But mom! She even refused to bring him some scotch!

Take a second look son, and Mamma Johnson slapped Carl’s Jr. face so hard he had no choice but to take a look at Joe's table.

And there was Jenny, bringing some scotch with ice for Silent Joe, just like she knew he liked it, just the brand, just the number of ice, and the charm of her hand giving it to him.

Mom is that ice in the glass?

Yes son that’s ice.

There’s ice in town? I never get ice when I ask for some scotch…

Well son, you’re not Silent Joe, and that’s that.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Silent Joe - Joe And Billy chp. 7

What’s with the grey tone and grimness that possesses your face Joe? Billy Cochran asked, but Joe gave no answer, not until Billy sat in front of him with the intention of repeating a question previously asked as he thought not so brightly, and so: What’s with the grey tone and grimness that possesses your face Joe?

Joe looked upon his face and replied: it’s the humanity and its filth, my gray grim face comes from the constant ponderation of two things I believe should be as one but common practice dictates otherwise, and so the world will be condemned to the catastrophe of what’s beautiful, we shall have to contemplate it and desire it at most as human beings but never possess her for we destroy what falls within our grasp cause of our nature,, whatever presents as harmony or pureness calls for its desecration and the author shall be the human being, long live the human race, so creator so destroyer of our surroundings and himself.

Well Joe that’s just sad I might say, but my horse is beautiful and I take good care o’him, you should see him run! Boooy can he run around nonstop!, and also... now that I sit back to give some thought to what you so eloquently speak of as someone that knows of the mater, Aren’t you a human being? Or do you think you’re from… from… over there you know, like more than that what’s actually there? Like more over the hill or so where that Indian got killed by some wild beast they say…

Let me stop you there for a fool person who does speak or even better pronounces what we call words out of his mouth and if we put together one would say: he speaks! But oh Billy what have you really seen more than your horse? Maybe a prostitute and whiskey or several of them both but more than that have you ever seen more than this little town? 

Well no Joe I haven’t but let me tell you something before this whiskey takes me on shooting somebody and have the marshal install me in his place, I am happy!

Well Billy then lets drink to your happiness and may you embrace it in a cell, huh for all its worth that’s an hotel room for you the way I see it, and lets hope the one you shoot is something less than a coyote for not saying better than a human being.

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Me voy de este mundo.

Así es, tal cual lo dice el titulo, me voy de este mundo.

Ante cualquier dramático quedaría por un suicida, o peor aun como un suicida sin talento tratando de convencerse a si mismo de llevar a cabo el acto, pero ese no es el punto, tiendo a reconocer en una misma persona al dramático y al ignorante y no como un insulto ya que ignorar es de todos.

Cuando digo que me quiero ir de este mundo es por que no lo quiero, lo que el contiene no me llena y cuanto descubro de el arrebata partes de mi que solo siento recuperar a través de los vicios.

Entrando en el tema de los vicios, no puedo evitar hablar de la primera cosa que detesto: la sociedad, pero no voy a entrar en ello ya que seria muy cliché y sentiría que escribo para una revista barata que se encontraba en apuros para llenar sus paginas donde los auspicios fallaron.

Mas bien quiero volver a la relación del dramático con el ignorar, si ante un sabio, culto o entrenado en el arte de la lectura, luego la ponderación una renovación ante la meditación y que no se fija en la conclusión como tal sino en la validez de la estructura del pensamiento mismo donde se reconoce como inteligente ante si mismo, planteamos el tema de que me quiero ir de este mundo dudo mucho que el me pregunte cual será la vía o el instrumento sino seria un mero asentimiento de su parte, si usa lentes se los quitaría y me sonreiría para decirme eso que todos quisiéramos escuchar pero nadie nunca ha escuchado y escuchara ya que seriamos plenamente felices y eso es inalcanzable al menos duraderamente ,felicidad es algo efímero,  se vive de forma intensa en el momento pero es ahí donde reside y permanece: en el momento.

¿Entonces a donde me quiero ir? Aquí es donde vuela la imaginación, aquí es donde la sonrisa espontanea aparece radiantemente hasta que alguien te pregunta: ¿Que te pasa? Y viajas a velocidades increíbles hasta volver a este mundo que no debería llamarse “La Tierra” sino “La Realidad”.

¿Como es este mundo que tanto ansío?

Bueno cada cual con lo que le guste pero ya que soy yo quien escribe me guiare por mi mente e imaginación y resulta que veo ríos enteros de whisky, veo arboles donde crece el chocolate y la gente canta una oda a la vida, el olor a pasto fresco luego de la lluvia reina con suaves toques de vainilla, cada paso que doy es como si fuese compuesto por el mejor de los autores y cada movimiento tiene la gracia de la mejor bailarina, viejitos lloran de la alegría con las manos al aire y las niñas saltan la cuerda sin fallar nunca jamás, los niños son los soldados inmortales y los padres se dedican a leer constantemente mientras las madres tocan el piano incesantemente y la efusividad simplemente se respira, me veo sentando debajo de un árbol escribiendo todo cuanto veo y los párrafos simplemente componen la mejor obra creada en la historia y no por el escritor sino por la perfección de cuanto describe que hace imposible la existencia del error.

Así me despido no como el suicida sino como el que busca ese mundo que ojala exista mas allá de mi cerrar de ojos, ojala algún día lo toque y sienta eso que creo que nunca ha pasado como emoción por mi cuerpo, aunque debo admitir escribir este relato produce esta sonrisa espontanea  que sabe bastante bien, así es como quisiera irme de este mundo, o creo yo así se siente cuando me voy allá donde no es este mundo sino ese que tanto quiero.